Body, mind and soul

Who we are

To create a happy, healthy and satisfying life you need to understand yourself and make changes at all levels.


Tone you body with breathing exercises and light yoga


Use your mind to learn to meditate and to learn to focus on what to create


Balance and liberate yourself from your emotional patterns by understanding yourself


Learn to have conversations with you self, identify the guidance from your soul


You’re not as healthy as you should be
and life has become a struggle ...

You are drained out Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You want changes but you do not know what those changes can be. You are tired of making wrong choices.. your health is at the point of no return. Your job/business could be better, your relationships are complicated.

The idea here is to educate, empower and inspire YOU so that you yourself can become the creator of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual reality. While doing do so, we take your through a series of changes applying techniques of Yoga, Mindfulness, daily habits, food habits making you aware of the tendencies in you life because of your karmic baggage from this life and earlier supported by various other quantum healing methods and many years of personal practice.

How we do

How do I create holistic health?

We are the creator of our own health. we have ultimate control over the state of our body, mind and soul.

There are many ways to create holistic health, same as there are so many factors that influence our state of health, it is an equation which is always in is dynamic. Putting into simpler terms.. as we create causes through our thoughts, words and action, resulting into either positive or negative impact on ourselves. It is a life-long journey to strive for better health and wellness as it is to control these three aspects of our life.

The quest for health and wellness is an opportunity to get closer to having the easy-going, creative, happy life that we all want. But there’s a catch. In the process, we need to learn about ourselves, understand our being. And this is the precise reason why most of do not stay healthy.

Our goal is to consciously create health and uncreate all that which is not necessary for having a holistic life.

During the whole process we learn to understand ourselves and based on our understanding we create strategies. We work with the following things and more:


The Holistic Treatment

The term “holistic” comes from the Greek holus, which means whole, whole.

As the human being has more than one body in addition to the physical one, holistic therapy then says that it works on the individual as a whole, that is, he is treated considering his physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic aspects.

This means that body, mind, soul and all living beings are interconnected, so all these elements are considered.

Thus, holistic healers focus on the causes of disease at a deeper level, not just its symptoms.

They are, for example:

Acupuncture, Theta-Healing, Reiki, Iridology, Yoga, Reflexology, Bach Flowers, Aromatherapy, Chromotherapy, Music Therapy, Dance-therapy, among others.

It is worth saying that Holism has nothing to do with Esoterism. Holism is the integral look at who is being served. Quantic Therapy encompasses all aspects of human life and treats the patient as a whole.

It is the professional and attentive look, treating the patient with respect and promoting complicity to provide care. It's not about future fortune telling techniques or spells. It is not a type of astrology.

In addition, the therapist seeks to understand the patient's life context, respecting his belief, in order to best assist him in his own environment.

Therefore, Holistic/Quantic Therapy is not linked to a religion, nor does it represent mysticism, but rather observes the individual as an integral Being, possessing a body, mind and spirit.

Good spiritual practices, regardless of what they are, as long as they provide well-being and peace to the individual, must be understood and encouraged by the therapist.

But what about Quantic Therapy? How does this work??

First, let's talk about one of the main references in the area today: the Indian doctor Deepak Chopra, author of the book "Quantum Healing". Chopra presents, in this work, Results of Ayurveda - a traditional oriental medicinal therapy from India

How does it work?

Quantic Therapy is based on information about changing body cells through thought. With this, the author, in the book, talks about the power of the mind in the search for an integral health, which corresponds to everything that shapes and affects us - that is, the energetic, physical and emotional fields.

Quantum Physics applied in this therapy tells us that our ideas interfere with all the information in our body, in addition to the power to transform them. Thus, the more aware of them, the more possibilities we have at our disposal. The principal being that it is governed by thoughts, words and action.

So, Quantic Therapy proposes an energetic treatment through information, frequency structured intention that uses logically structured quantum commands to achieve a certain goal in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.


This revolutionary therapy has been developed and used for approximately 15 years. Quantum therapy explains to us that each of these quantum commands has a sequence of instructions.

These sequences are called "structured intention" - elaborated from the flow of energies through the body and the goals to be achieved with the activation of the commands, and each of them can be repeated several times, and always executing the same programmed sequence. In this way, energy and speed necessary for an energy transformation are generated.

In practice, it works as follows: to transform a negative emotion such as depression, anger, anguish or fear, it is necessary to relive that emotion, to make the connection with the frequency that will be treated.

Then, one must find the point of origin that causes and maintains that emotion, belief or chronic illness - this origin can be a childhood trauma, memories of some recent experience, etc.

Once this source is identified, the necessary energetic transformation can be carried out to heal the person of this negative emotion.

Want to know more about SAAMA Quantic Therapy?

Quantum Therapy is a therapeutic technique that studies the health of the human being from the point of view of the biophysical elements and the quantum energies that constitute it, also known as Vibrational Therapy. (Help, how many names! lol)

Or if we can define it in a single sentence, it would be: the unification of Science with Spirituality using the power of intention.

SAAMA Quantic Therapy

For that, it is worth remembering the words of Thomas Edison, scientist who discovered the incandescent lamp: “Science without Spirituality is lack of Knowledge, Spirituality without Science is Fanaticism”.

According to José Roberto Marques, the word “quantum” comes from quantity and refers to the fact that all human beings are formed by energy and connected to each other through it.

When an individual becomes aware of this greatness, he discovers the amazing power he has within himself to heal and develop. Within this context, quantum therapy acts as a holistic process that seeks to align body, mind and spirit, through self-knowledge and self-awareness.

Quantic therapy is considered a complementary form of treatment for different types of problems, both physical and emotional.

Within this approach, the causes are treated and not just the effects, after all, everything starts in the mind and connects with the body.

At this point, the patient sees that the human body has the natural ability to heal itself.

In this sense, seeking harmony and balance is essential to find healing, regardless of the issues you want to resolve.

It is important to say that nothing replaces traditional medical treatments and that quantum therapies should be used as a complement in order to maximize results.

Remember that taking care of the mind and spirit is as important as taking care of the health of the body, because the secret of happiness is exactly in seeking harmony between all these elements.

Key Benefits of Quantic Therapy

Some of the benefits that can be gained from this type of treatment include:

• Identification of your purpose, that is, the reason why you are alive;

• Development of self-esteem and self-confidence;

• Elimination of limiting beliefs that block development;

• Reduction of stress and anxiety;

• Relief from physical and emotional pain;

• Improved sleep quality;

• Muscle relaxation;

• Feeling of tranquility and well-being;

• Increased disposition and energy;

• Feeling of gratitude.

The fact of considering each individual in a holistic way makes quantum therapy promote benefits in a very comprehensive way, starting a virtuous circle of satisfaction, happiness and fulfillment.


Create healing strategies to impact all parts of our life.

After all this process we decide What therapies can assist my holistic healing process ...

Yoga, Mindfulness, Breathing techniques, Spiritual Healing, Chakra cleaning, Meditation, Naturopathy, Nature Therapy, Access consciousness, SAAMA and other quantic therapies.

About my Education

  • Post graduate:


  • Post Graduate:

    Information technology

  • Experience:

    Masters in Business Administration with specialization in human resource

  • Telefone:

    (47) 99222-2356

  • E-mail:
  • Social:
About myself

My name is Prerna Singh. I am from India and have been living in Brazil for the last 8 years.I was born in family where Yoga and hindu spiritual practices were a way of life and it is till now. As a result of this I have beenpractising yoga since my childhood taught by my father. I became interested in other quantic therapies getting into the adulthood. Post my marriage I turned to a buddist way of life and that has been the corner stone of my thought process.

It is important to share with you all my journey how I entered in this wonderful world of holistic therapy. Prior to this I was working in the area of information technology. When I moved to Brazil around 8 years ago I had a chance to go deep within myself because of my own circumstances and solitude and I discovered the biggest source of energy which is compassion for other human beings.Compassion is the basis of all healing practices be it physical or quantic. With this change I started to explore various types of healings/methodologies which exist all around the world and applying them to my friends and immediate circle of people. I received a great degree of success and with that came a greater level of gratitude for having the knowledge to help and support fellow beings. At this juncture due to the insistence of friends and family I started to take this up as a profession instead of going back to my IT world which would have been the most easy to earn my living.

We perform holistic healing

What we do

The ultimate goal of holistic healing is completeness (Purn-purusha) as a human being. In achieving completeness, we must consider all aspects of our lives including:

Respecting our

Understanding our relationships

Respecting our environment

Creating love for all humankind

Finding and living our lives purpose

We work with four aspects of health- Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical.

First, we must answer the question, ‘what exactly is healing?’

Healing is about bringing balance and alignment to ourselves with our natural state of being.

Every organ in our bodies has a natural or ‘healthy’ state of being as do our emotional, mental and spiritual states. When we are out of balance, we feel like something is out of place, misaligned – whether it comes in the form of emotional or physical pain or discomfort – and we naturally want to return to our natural state of harmony, when everything ‘works’ as it should. This process of rebalancing, getting closer to your higher self isdefined as healing.

To put it in simpler words, Healing is about change. Change has to occur on all levels of our being in order to be considered a holistic healing process. Healing requires lasting physical changes, lifestyle changes, changes in our beliefs and attitudes and changes and changes in our awareness.

Every feeling, every emotion and every thought creates a change in our body chemistry at the subatomic level. And it is these quantum changes that create our state of health. Quantum healing explains why everybody has the ability to change the condition of their physical body regardless of age, health status or body type.

The magic of quantum healing (also called cellular healing) is based on one fundamental concept:

Where we place our thoughts is where the energy flows.

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